Saturday, March 08, 2025

Meetings with remarkable foxes

I think anybody who has ever been a hunt saboteur probably feels that they have a special connection with foxes. I certainly do even though in my sabbing days I rarely saw one except as an occasional flash of red tearing fearfully across a field pursued by hounds. It took  me moving to London to become really familiar with foxes in daily life, I rarely go a few days without seeing one. Some people call them urban foxes as if they moved into our human dominated areas because they liked the takeaway leftovers, but actually I think it's more the fact that we extended our urban areas into their territories and they stuck around.

Anyway here's a few recent foxy encounters-

Actual fox in New Cross

Leonara Carrington - Woman with Fox 
(seen in the exhibition 'Last Night I dreamed of Manderley' in Alison Jacques Gallery, London, 2025)

Jennifer Binnie 'Fox Woman'
(seen in her Forest Visions exhibition at Richard Saltoun Gallery, London, 2025)

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