Thursday, June 30, 2011

Camberwell Street Art

The pictures on the Camberwell Snooker Club in South London (junction of Camberwell New Rd and Camberwell Passage) are a bit past their best, peeling and graffiti'd over in turn. But something of their grandeur remains. Seemingly this is the work of the 'WCA Free University of Stencil Art'

1 comment:

  1. The top one is by Rowdy - who is famous in Bristol for doing a *massive* version of his croc on Westmoreland House, a huge derelict carriage-works on Stokes Croft (scene of the recent bank holiday riots).

    Here is a 'in-progress' picture:

    And here is one of it finished, just to give a sense of scale - it's bloody huge!

    As ever, love the blog.
