Monday, December 29, 2008

Uganda: the death of a disco dancer

The Police in Arua district have detained Nyadri district Police commander Benedict Ojingo and Police constable Rashid Nyakuni over murdering a student. Ojingo and Nyakuni, were arrested after Stephen Enzabugo, a Senior One student of Oleba Seed Secondary School, was shot and killed during a dance in Alikua trading centre on Christmas Day. The two allegedly opened fire in an attempt to stop the dance. They were enforcing a ban on night discos that had been imposed by the local authorities. One of the bullets hit Enzabugo on the forehead and killed him instantly...

The Nyadri resident district commissioner, Mary Akwiya Anecho, however defended Ojingo, saying he was enforcing the late night disco ban. “We had agreed to stop any discos in the area this festive season because we wanted to avoid violence. So, the DPC (Ojingo) was merely enforcing what we agreed. We think the death was an accident. It is very unfortunate and we are very sorry to the parents,” Anecho said.

Source: New Vision Online [Uganda], 29 December 2009


  1. “We had agreed to stop any discos in the area this festive season because we wanted to avoid violence.[...]"

    Best accomplished by shooting people in the forehead, of course.

  2. Hey, don't argue with hundreds of years of military and law enforcement logic.
