Monday, June 09, 2008

Seven (more) songs

The seven songs meme is still doing the rounds - it goes like this:

'List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re not any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now, shaping your spring. Post these instructions in your blog along with your 7 songs. Then tag 7 other people to see what they’re listening to'.

I must admit I've already had a bite of the cherry at my South Londonist blog Transpontine (having been tagged by Rough in Here and Someday I will treat you good). Now I've been tagged here by Simon Reynolds, and since I go through all the effort of maintaining two blogs, I don't see why I shouldn't have two shots at this.

Rather than spending time thinking about what my current seven favourite songs are (which is a bit Hi Fidelity for my taste) I'm just going to list some found objects - seven songs I heard over the weekend that meant something to me.

Something old

B-52s - Give me back my man ('I'll give you fish, I'll give you candy')- because this was the first record I danced to at a friend's party on Saturday night at a pub in Kings Cross. It reminded me of all the other parties where I've danced to this band, to this track/Rock Lobster/Planet Claire/Love Shack/Party Gone Out of Bounds.

Something new

Black Kids - I'm not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance. Because this was one of the last records I danced to on Saturday, a Robert Smith-channeling refusal to assist a love rival with two left feet. There's a good even dancier remix of this one floating around (and Kate Nash has already covered it).

Something borrowed

Roy Davis Jr. - Gabriel (Large Joints Remix) - well not so much borrowed as a steal, 20p from a car boot sale in Rotherhithe on a mix cd (Sound of the Pirates - the garage sound of uk pirate radio mixed by Zed Bias). Garage angelology - you see the the archangel of love popped by to tell you that 'one love was the focus of the true message'. So take your communion on the dancefloor: 'Dancing soon became a way to communicate, Feel the music deep in your soul'.

Something blue

Leonard Cohen - Famous Blue Raincoat - because I sat down on Sunday with the assorted strummers of the Brockley Ukulele Group and played this. I note, via Bob from Brockley, that another seven songs respondent, From Tehran with Love, chose no fewer than 5 Cohen songs. As long as the worlds greatest Canadian-Jewish-Zen Buddhist songwriter remains venerated by some in predominately Muslim Iran, there is hope for the world (the Iranian singer Farhad Mehrad has covered some Cohen songs)

Something in a movie

Belle and Sebastian - Expectations - a long time favourite of mine which I was delighted to hear on the soundtrack to the teen pregnancy movie Juno, which I watched on Saturday. 'Your obsessions get you known throughout the school for being strange, Making life-size models of the Velvet Underground in clay'.

Something in a book

Huggy Bear - Her Jazz - because I am reading a book about Riot Grrrl. This still sounds a fresh and urgent call to arms -'Girl Boy Revolution Yeah'.

Something on TV

2 Unlimited - No Limits - because the video was on one of those freeview music channels on Friday night as part of one of those 50 cheesiest pop songs ever programmes. I do have a soft spot for late 80s/early 90s production line techno-pop, it’s a toss up between Technotronic and 2 Unlimited for the techno-pop crown. It amuses me that they are both from Belgium, at the time also home to the super-credible house/techno label R&S. In the high street/holiday resort clubs of the time it was 2 Unlimited rather than Joey Beltram that filled the floor. I remember being in a club in West Belfast (think it was the Trinity Lodge in Turf Lodge) and when they played ‘Get Ready for This’ loads of people started chanting IRA in time to the chorus. That was a lesson for me in how the products of the pop production line get used in ways the producers could never dream of.

I tagged some people last time who responded including Uncarved and Speakers Push Air. Looking round it appears that most people I know in both the music and South London neighbourhoods of the blogosphere have already been tagged, so this time I am just going to leave it open. If you fancy listing seven songs, just go for it.


  1. Good list!

    I recently got the Our Troubled Youth/Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah split LP that Huggy Bear did with Bikini Kill out of hibernation and as you say it's still fresh.

  2. Kathleen Hanna from Bikini Kill once slept on my friend's couch in Brixton. Heady days.

  3. I'm not the only one loving Cohen here in Iran …there are so many many Iranians loving ‎and respecting him. We are ruled by a totalitarian religious tyranny but that does not ‎mean people here are like that too. The men in power can suppress our voices and ‎feelings but they can't change them :-)‎
    On a lighter note mentioning the music band reminded me of the Belle et Sébastien ‎animation series that I used to watch as a child … I LOVED the series and as a 5 year ‎old kid I insisted on calling him Belle and Sebastian and the doggie (because I felt the ‎tiny white dog in the animation series was being neglected) …sometimes I wish our ‎world was ruled by kids!‎

  4. Good to hear from you Selma, not sure where you watched Belle et Sebastien the TV series (was it shown in Iran?) but it was shown on British TV - despite being made in France. Yes I agree, there is a basic human ethic in some children's stories - be kind to people and animals, don't bully others because they're different to you, enjoy the wonders of life wherever you are - that is very simplistic as a political position but is actually quite a good starting point for the world, and better than that offered in practice by many politcal/religious ideologies.

  5. (Joining in a month late)

    Another great list. Huggy Bear - who I haven't thought of for a long time - brought up some happy memories for me of jumping up and down to them at various very dark and sticky clubs...

    At that time of my life, I was working as a barman in a small, crap nightclub, where 2 Unlimited was (in my memory at least) constantly playing, for which reason I hate them. (It was also the time of "Ebenezer Good" and the Prodigy's "Out of Space" [I think that's its name] of which I have happier memories.)

    Cool story about West Belfast, and I love Selma's comment above.
